Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Safety Net? What Safety Net?

Well as if what we are going through is not enough we just found out that my mother's chemo really is not covered by the safety net. It gets really complicated so bare with me here. My mothers doctor told her before she lost her TennCare that his relationship with her would not change when she lost her TennCare. Wonderful man, got into medicine for the right reasons it seems. Before my mother's TennCare stopped her doctor stopped giving her Chemo in his office. Instead he sent her over to the local hospital for the Chemo. This meant admitting her for the day, she received her treatment (which takes much longer then when it was in his office) then she goes home. The doctor said it was because TennCare was not paying the bills in a timely manner. When I asked him about the safety net for when she did lose TennCare he said that it would not cover many chemo visits and of course does not cover a CatScan to see her progress while under Chemo treatments. He would have to treat her symptoms. So, what was he telling me? At the time I thought that meant that he would give her the Chemo under the safety net when she lost her TennCare and then when that run out (1 visit) we would just have to cross that bridge then.

Surprise for the Hospital!
Turns out that when my mother lost her TennCare the local hospital started absorbing the cost. Why were they doing that? Well they did not even know they were doing that until TennCare refused their claim. (Guess the doctors office did not pass that on to them). That is when the hospital first found out she no longer had TennCare. Then they called me and asked how we were going to pay it. My response was, well isn't she on the safety net? Poor hospital staff had no idea what I was talking about. In fact they told me she did not qualify for the safety net. Later I got a call from a sweet lady from the Safety Net program. I told her what was going on and boy did I get the truth. She said that of course my mother qualified for the safety net. Seems lots of doctors including my mother's doctor was not going to participate in the Safety Net program at all! She was so distressed about it herself. She thought she was helping but none of the doctors she was contacting were cooperating with her. She was even looking forward to the end of her own job over this mess. The doctors were not even bothering to call the Safety Net people back when they called the doctors office. She did not understand completely why they would not participate or even call her back. She said the Safety Net money can not go to the hospitals it must go to a doctor so the hospital does not get that money. If it is such a small amount (which she confirmed) it would not cover the cost of one Chemo treatment, especially in a hospital. The money goes away in June even if you wait till later to try and use it. The doctor knew the Safety Net was a net with holes too big to help catch my mother. So, guess the doctor had a plan after all.

Prove you are Poor forms
The hospital sent me some forms to fill out once they figured out mother could not pay for her Chemo visits. These forms are for financial aid, which we may or may not qualify for as they do not list the requirements on their form. Remember I told you my mother does not qualify for Chemo at the Health Department because she lives with me. Guess what else, they would not give her a CatScan either at the Health Department. Could they kill her with too much Chemo?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

TennCare Despair

This is a story, true story about a woman dying of cancer who has lost TennCare. Her story is not unique but the fact that this is happening tells me that ethics and “for the good of the people” are gone in government.

The woman is Beatrice, age 60 and she has terminal lung cancer. Beatrice has several health issues but for the moment, I will tell you why TennCare decided that she is no longer eligible for medical care.

All the reasons Beatrice lost her TennCare(this comes straight from TennCare Medicaid Rules):
Her cancer is not cervical cancer.
Her cancer is not breast cancer.
She is not a single mom with minor children.
She is not in a nursing home yet.
She is not a pregnant woman.
She is not a child under the age of 21.
She does not receive SSI from the Social Security Administration.

Now I will explain the rest of Beatrice illnesses. Beatrice has not mentally developed much past the maturity of a pre-teen (low IQ). She has delusions that started for her at age forty, which is treated with a medicine called Zyprexa. Currently there is safety Net for Mental Health, but no one can tell me when the safety net will end for her mental health treatment.

Who Cares?
TennCare is saying it does not care about Beatrice even if she is poor and dying of cancer. She is currently on a Safety Net program that will pay for only a certain number of Chemo treatments, but it will not pay for CAT scans to monitor progress of the treatments. Since the doctor is working blind without a CAT scan he is treating her symptoms, (but of course, he already knows she is dying of lung cancer). The doctor gives her a break from Chemo when she appears to be feeling all right at that moment. Recently she started coughing up blood so she is receiving Chemo treatments at this time (Feb. 2006).

TennCare Rules vs. Knoxville Legal Aid Rules vs. Health Department Rules
Once the Safety Net money runs out, Human Services has told Beatrice that one of the Knoxville Health Departments is offering Chemo to cancer patients. However, Beatrice may not be eligible because she lives with her daughter. Her daughter wonders if that means they want Beatrice to be homeless before they give her any medical services at the Health Department.

Although TennCare rules never considered the income of her daughter, the Health Departments do and the Knoxville Legal Aid does as well. This means that the Health Department will not help Beatrice with Medical and Knoxville Legal Aid will not help with any TennCare appeals. Someone at Knoxville Legal Aid said they do not fight TennCare cases where the eligibility requirements just do not fit the plaintiff. I can under stand them not wanting to fight a losing battle. I just do not understand why so many are losing something they so desperately need.

Sadly, all the resources given to Beatrice have referred her to other resources only to find out that she cannot qualify under the different rules of the different organizations. To add insult to injury the amount of money that her daughter makes over the limit for Knoxville Legal Aid was $400. If she took that $400 to a lawyer, would he represent Beatrice?

What is Wrong or Right?
Is it wrong ethically that you will help someone to get medical care then take it away while they are receiving it? Would a doctor do that? Would a government do that? I guess we know the answer to those questions, but can we accept that answer?

Do Not Feed Your Dying Mother and We Will Help Her?
Beatrice lives with her daughter because she has nowhere else to go. Her daughters’ family has six people now including Beatrice. Money is stretched very thin under these circumstances. Can her daughter pay for Cat Scans at $5000 each, or Chemo treatments (amount unknown), or medicines (over $400 last count)? The answer is No. Her daughter can only house her, and feed her. The health department suggested that if Beatrice did not eat with her daughters’ family, then Beatrice might be eligible for Food Stamps. Her daughter cooks for the whole family every day. They all live in the same house so, should Beatrice be told to not to sit at the table with everyone else? Beatrice’s daughter is now the caregiver and the transportation to doctor visits for Beatrice.

Encouragement from Human Services, Lack Of
After losing her TennCare Appeal, Beatrice was encouraged to re-apply for Medicaid. She did and at her Human Services appointment, Beatrice was told that she of course still does not qualify and that she would receive in the mail her denial letter. She was told to watch the news because the governor was talking about adding back some of the medically needy people. I have just learned that the rules for that category will also not let Beatrice qualify because her un-paid medical bills are over 90 days old. (One of the rules is that medical bills must be less than 90 days old). Other restrictions do not apply to Beatrice and her situation but do restrict eligibility of many other medical needy folks. In fact very little of the rules actually address the medical necessity of an individual. So, why is it called a Medically Needy category again?

The Pain
When the chemo has stopped, Beatrice will die a painful death. That is the only thing keeping the tumors down in size. When the tumors begin to grow, they will be painful as they take up the space inside her lungs. It will be harder for her to breath and her back will hurt her a great deal. She will cough up blood. Then she will die, in pain.

The pain for her family will be watching Beatrice suffer. Later the family will receive a hospital bill in an amount they know they can never pay. At that time, the words of Beatrice will haunt them. “Why are they taking my medicine away, don’t they know I will die sooner without them?” They do know this, and that is what I have had to tell my mom (Beatrice). She does not understand why someone would hurt her like this and I do not understand either.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Bredesen - Liar!

First, let me say I do not call people liars lightly. Gov. Bredesen is committing genocide (my father’s words) and lying every step of the way.

Two links to see for yourself that this man is a liar. One the evidence by TJC (Tennessee Justice Center) 6-month investigation that cutting and adding people back at election time is a campaign strategy. How sad. Link to this evidence here: http://www.tenncare.org/323000.wmv This link is a Windows movie, and is posted on the advocate site Tenncare.org that is a very good organization. However, they need more people voicing the injustice of Gov. Bredesen. People like YOU! On the TennCare.org site you can help by signing a petition for a special session on TennCare reform. http://www.tenncare.org/

Above is a story on MSNBC that all the money saved with the TennCare cuts has added 6 more months of free meds for folks that were cut. Another lie! When my parents were approved for this safety net they were told from the beginning that they would get this medicine till June 2006, and that was months ago. Now Bredesen is acting as if he just now could afford that program to last longer. What a jerk!

Media and my Parents

A very special lady contacted us last month to do a story about my parents. She was referred to us by TennCare.org. Her name is Joon Powell. On her site called "Faces of TennCare" look for the names Patrick and Beatrice on the link "the Portraits."
